Who Cares? – a creative workshop and exhibition project for women in Calderdale funded by The National Lottery Awards for All scheme

This creative project for women who have or have had a history of mental health issues (including anxiety and depression). Led by artist Sharon Marsden and writer Ann Sansom the aim was to create a safe space where women would feel comfortable in expressing their thoughts and feelings, by talking. making art, writing prose or poetry. The project consisted of 12 participatory arts sessions based at Calderdale Women’s Centre working with verd de gris arts and commissioned writer Ann Sansom.

The women were recruited through Women’s Centre or were referred from local mental health support agencies. A book of postcards made up of art work and writings from the project was placed in cafes, coffee bars, health centre waiting rooms and local libraries. An accompanying exhibition of writings and new artwork took place at the Piece Hall Gallery, Halifax.

In creating the project we were interested in finding ways of involving local women at every stage of the process: in the setting up of localised open meetings for recruitment; in the creation of an artistic group to create words and images; in letting the group dynamic determine the ‘end product’ to guarantee relevance and ‘impact’.