Journeys of Change – a podcast series – supported by West Yorkshire Mayor’s Safer Communities Fund

Much of our community project work draws on engaging with people from different ethnic / cultural backgrounds, bringing them together in a shared, safe space – to learn more about each other’s lives and to celebrate notions of difference and similarity.

We also develop project that encourage participants to draw on their lived experience to campaign and advocate for social change – in areas like health, education and social care. We have a wealth of monitoring and evaluation that shows how women and girls lives have been impacted positively by this approach – e.g. how they have moved towards positions of safety and positively.

We believe there is a need to claim / reclaim ownership of the conversation at a local and regional level – giving local women from across communities the skills for media presentation / public platforms – to reason and argue for change and to show to other women that change is possible!

To this end, we have been funded by WY Mayor’s Office to co-produce a series of podcasts with local women and girls. We will be bringing groups together, we will be training key facilitators, and we will be out on the road talking and listen and sharing key issues that affect women of all ages … we will be starting to produce in the Autumn 24 … watch this space!

Here are some of the wonderful women from ONE VOICE in Halifax working with girls from one of our local primary schools – discussing key topics and building relationships of trust!